On Wearing Many Hats at Once

On Wearing Many Hats at Once

"If you have work (define work any way you like) that you feel is valuable, you are among the fortunate."
--Bill Stewart of Vamp & Tramp Booksellers (Alabama, USA)

I love my job. My jobs. They're all related to books and bookbinding, even motherhood. Or, perhaps, especially motherhood.

In any given day, I juggle all of the following:

Making Books.

I love that most emails from clients start with "I don't know if this is possible, but..." and I get to say YES, this is possible! And make the book. And send it out into the world.


Teaching Bookbinding.

I get to spread a virus! I get to be a plague...the one that enables people to express themselves. I have taught bookbinding to four year olds and to 80+ year olds, and all ages in between, and everyone does the same happy little dance the first time they make their book. There's nothing like it.


Being a Book Artist.

My existential challenge in life is to leave enough room in my day for my OWN books. It's a challenge I'm grateful to have. Maybe that's why I end up making such large books, to remind myself this is how it all started.


Being an Author.

Here in Argentina, I am the author of Entonces el libro, my first trade edition book. It entails running a free traveling library, giving talks in public in front of real live humans, handling distribution and any number of minor tasks that, in the long run, make a major difference.


Being a Mother.

Above all, first off, and the best. Our studio, and our children, are full of volumes they have made, read, and designed all on their own. Magu and I are here, present, part of their childhood every day, all day. It is the greatest gift.

All of this to say, some days we really are juggling too many things at once:

The best part, though, is truly believing it is possible, and seeing it work year after year, despite the strange winds that whip those hats off our heads every so often...

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